Thursday, January 22, 2009


Do you work for a living? If not, why not! If yes, are you happy about it? Well paid? Get time off? Great work environment? It's OK to be happy about Friday night, but do you look forward to Monday morning? Who's in charge here? Is work good or bad? Is it a curse or a blessing? What is it's purpose? Is there a thing in the genes of mankind that wants to be productive? Or did God make us to rest and take it easy? By the way, what is "a living"? Just enough to get by, or enough left over to indulge our pleasures? If you have just enough to get by, is that a bad thing? Does that make you a failure in life? Wow, some good questions, but do we ever ask them of ourselves? Here are some thoughts:

First Level of Work - To make money to live on
Second Level of Work - To be a place to grow as a person, and find fulfillment
Third Level of Work - To be a platform to promote our religious beliefs
Fourth Level of Work - To fulfill God's call on my life

You might not be at just one of these levels, but how high do you go on the list? How many of us get to level four? Does the church really believe everyone should get there, or just Pastors/Priests? Does the church really believe the exhortation to equip the saints involves anything but delivering great sermons? Have YOU sought the Lord about getting to level four? And by the way, what does reaching Four have to do with the Kingdom? What do you think? So much more to say, but maybe later. Reading too long a disertation can be work, you know!

1 comment:

Sarah Jane said...

I feel like level 4 is my level 1.