Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Scott's driver Mr. Wu took me to see what the Chinese bill as the world's longest bridge today. It links the mainland near Shanghai with a rocky island now being used as a deep water container port, and is 40km long, taking 30 minutes to cross. It was quite a sight for my engineering heart, even on a rainy day. On the way back to Scott and Lynne's house, we stopped for lunch. It was at an authentic Chinese place, at my request. While waiting for our food in this cafeteria type place, I was the object of many stares by the locals. It was blond, 6'2" with a bright green windbreaker vs. everyone else at 5'8" and jet black hair with black or dark blue coats on. Quite a contrast. For me the Bridge was entertainment for the day. For the Chinese in that restaurant, I was the entertainment. Gave me an insight into what it is like to be different than everyone else around. After a while, ya just roll with it.

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